Saturday, May 2, 2009

Moon Creek Salad

Welcome to my new blog, Shredded Lettuce.  I am not what you would call a talented cook but I certainly do love to cook....and eat!   I love reading food blogs.  There are so many creative food bloggers out there telling their food stories - highlighting them with beautiful photography.  It inspires me to tell my food story.  

What better way to start the Shredded Lettuce blog than to highlight a healthy green salad.  A trip to the Piedmont Farmers Market provided me with lovely organic lettuce from Moon Creek Farms.  Radishes, and spring onions found their way into my market tote.  I also found a vendor selling local honey and honey vinegar and another selling sourdough bread.  

I couldn't wait to get home and make a salad.  Local organic food is not easy to come by in my area.  I hate the 40 minute drive to the Farmers Market but it's all worth it when I can bring home some Moon Creed produce.  I didn't know that lettuce had flavor until I ate my first Moon Creek Salad.  It even has texture.  I always get carried a way and buy too much lettuce.  I have to buy one of every variety.   My recipe for this salad is simple.  Slice, chop, shred...whatever it calls for.  Add the dressing and toss it with the greens.  Get your favorite salad bowl and fill it with your fresh salad.  I took advantage of my honey and vinegar purchase to make a great honey mustard dressing.  It was so good, I'm saving that recipe for a separate post.   The country chicken in my picture is a french chicken.  We picked him up in Biot, France on our trip to France a couple of years ago.  We knew she would be right at home in our country kitchen. 

Moon Creek Salad
Lettuce, as many varieties as you want
spring onions
shredded carrots
tomatoes (I use grape tomatoes until the real stuff is in season)
additional vegetables to your taste 
tosted pumpkin seeds or any other nut.

Tear up the lettuce and put in a big bowl.  Slice the onions, radishes and add them to the lettuce. Shred the carrots and toss them into the bowl with the other vegetables.  Throw in the tomatoes. Add the dressing of your choice and mix very well.  Toss, toss, toss. Sprinkle the tosted nuts on the salad then eat, eat, eat.

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